Gyro Club Of Edmonton
"Chartered July 29, 1921"
The Edmonton Gyrette Club, the Ladies' counterpart to the Gyro Club, began in 1947.
A spouse or partner of a Gyro member, is invited to join Gyrettes; whose purpose is similar to Gyro which is to foster friendship. Also, similar to Gyro, there are no attendance requirements.
Gyrettes meet on the second Tuesday of the month - September through June - at the Derrick Golf & Winter Club. We gather at 11:30 am for Lunch, followed by our Guest Speaker's Presentation.
Throughout the year we participate in various mixed events with the Gyros, such as their Valentine's Dinner, Bocce Ball Dinner, and their Christmas Dinner. Occasionally, we will join their Lunch Meeting when there is a Speaker of mutual interest.
Our annual membership dues are $75 and the Lunch cost is $40.
Gyrettes currently has 37 members.
The Edmonton Gyrette Club is not a service organization, therefore we are not involved in fund-raising activities. However, we occasionally make modest contributions to various local charities with funds from our general revenue.